Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Painting skin is fascinating.
I was lucky enough to have my eyes opened by the great Spanish painter and teacher Sebastian Capella, who carried forward the legacy of Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. Sorolla brought skin alive through the use of color.
Like any other surface, skin can have many colors, depending on the quality of the primary light source (warm sun, cool stage light, etc.) and whether there is any reflected light bouncing off nearby colorful objects.
We are used to seeing color in everything, but when asked to reproduce what we see, the left side of our brain tells us a different story: Certain things are supposed to be a certain color. Skies are blue and skin is skin color, for example. Not for me, thank goodness.


sandy said...

well thank goodness too, that you see skin in colors it should be and even better.

ps. you've been busy, I thought I just checked like two days ago but it must have been longer. I enjoyed all the new paintings.


Ilse T.Hable said...

Yes I have been, sometimes I spend all day in the studio, but sometimes days go by and I cant find the time. There is always a lot of other stuff that has to be taken care of too.....